Power Station: Ye Shanghai – Biennale Finissage
Time: March 30th, 2013 at 5:00 pm
Location: Power Station of Art
3rd floor, No. 200 Hua Yuangang Lu
Huangpu District, Shanghai, China
The Power Station of Art, in collaboration with Arthub Asia and the Italian Consulate General in Shanghai, will host an exclusive event to celebrate the conclusion of the 9th Shanghai Biennale. The event will open with a presentation by the Italian Ambassador in China, Alberto Bradanini and the Consul General of Italy in Shanghai, Vincenzo de Luca.
The Shanghai Biennale, held for the first time in 1996, is one of the most important art events in China and this last 9th edition, which will close on the 31st of March, has been particularly relevant for the history of the institution having marked a considerable growth in size and quality, thanks to a new impressive main venue, the Power Station of Art. The curatorial team led by contemporary artist Qiu Zhijie and composed by Jens Hoffmann, Boris Groys and Johnson Chang, invited more than 300 international artists to participate in the Biennale main exhibition. Diverse curatorial projects were spread throughout 5 exclusive locations, placed both in historical and modern parts of the city.
During the course of the evening, a new collaboration between China and Italy will be announced: the cities of Shanghai and Venice will be linked for the upcoming three years working together on the development of artistic activities.
The Finissage soireé will feature the screening, for the first time in China, of a beautiful documentary about the 9th Shanghai Biennale, written and produced by Babel channel 141 SKY, an Italian TV channel. Alessandra Galletta, scriptwriter and director of the documentary, together with the producer Beatrice Coletti, will be attending the event to introduce the film to the public and talk about the impressions and experiences encountered during the shooting in Shanghai.
The Biennale Finissage event is titled Ye Shanghai after a renowned 1930’s Chinese song, which will be at the center of a live performance staged by Italian artist and composer Roberto Paci Daló and created in collaboration with Fudan University, Shanghai. During his performance Paci Daló screens rare footages and travelogues, kindly provided by the British Film Institute of London and shot by Europeans in China in the early 20th century. The artist combines the film projections with the sound of the famous Ye Shanghai melody that, decomposed and recomposed by Paci Daló, becomes a texture that evokes distant memories and a feeling of nostalgia, but also encourages the public to engage with the past in a unique way.
To download invitation please click here.
Ye Shanghai – Biennale Finissage, is an event organized by Arthub Asia with the support of the Italian Consulate General in Shanghai and the Italian Institute of Culture.